Labro Ängar Nature Reserve

Labro Ängar in spring
Guide Stefanie in front of the 250-300 years old oak tree
chess flower / Schachbrettblume / kungsängslilja / Fritillaria meleagris
catsfoot / Gewöhnliches Katzenpfötchen / kattfot / Antennaria dioica
apple blossom
globeflower / Trollblume / smörboll / Trollius europaeus
meadow with chess flower and dandelion
whtie chess flower / weiße Schachbrettblume / vit kungsängslilja / Fritillaria meleagris
chess flower / Schachbrettblume / kungsängslilja / Fritillaria meleagris
Stefanie talking about the last Ice Age
giant's kettle / Gletschertopf / jättegryta
studying Sphagnum moss
studying Sphagnum moss
view from the observation tower
path through the hazel forest in spring
flowering meadow with view over the bay
flower meadow
flowering appletree
apple blossom
apple blossom