Gruvleden Koppartorp - Nävekvarn

former cobalt factory (1790-1889) near Koppartorp
Stefanie guiding a group in June 2021
former mine, now waterfilled
the former mining area near Koppartorp
by the ancient petroglyphs
"God's footprints" facing modern hiking shoes ;)
Stefanie explaning the petroglyphs
exploring the former mining area
liverword / Leberblümchen / blåsippa / Hepatica nobilis
lunch break by Kärrgruvorna
Gula Kvarn café in Nävekvarn
fika at the Swedish national day
Kärrgruvorna mines
former cellar for gunpowder
from inside a mine
rest by the view tower
former mine, now waterfilled
having a look at the former copper and cobolt mines
climbing the view tower